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Showing posts from August, 2015
11 feared dead in western Afghanistan explosion An Afghan health official says 11 people, mostly children, died when a truck transporting gas canisters exploded outside the western city of Herat. Rafiq Sherzai, spokesman for the Herat Regional Hospital, said on Tuesday that 18 people were also wounded in the blast late Monday. He says the blast happened inside the compound of a gas supply company adjacent to a camp for internally displaced people. The explosion was so powerful that the burning truck was flung into the camp, he says. Of the 11 dead, 10 were children, he says. Four of the wounded were sent to Iran for treatment with burns to more than 90 percent of their body, Sherzai says. Gas explosions are not uncommon in Afghanistan, where bottled gas is used for household cooking nationwide.
Two Soldiers, six Rebels killed in Pakistan Two Pakistani soldiers including a senior officer were killed Monday in an exchange of fire with Islamist militants in a restive tribal district along the Afghan border, where the army last week began a ground offensive. The firefight occurred in the Shawal valley of North Waziristan where the military has been battling Taliban and other insurgents since June last year. “During an exchange of fire with security forces, six terrorists were killed in Shawal today. An officer, Lieutenant Colonel Faisal Malik and a soldier also embraced shahadat (martyrdom),” the military said in a statement. The latest incident comes a day after militants launched a cross-border rocket attack on a checkpost in Khyber tribal area, killing four Pakistani soldiers and wounding four others. Pakistan’s foreign office summoned Afghan ambassador Janan Mosazai on Sunday evening and lodged a strong protest over the shelling. Pakistan’s seven semi-autono
Muhammadu Buhari I won't bow to Pressure President Muhammadu Buhari say that he would not bow to presure from anyone in his fight against corruption