Abasiesebanga Ikoiwak and her husband The police has arraigned a 36-year-old lawyer, Abasiesebanga Ikoiwak, and five others for allegedly killing her 41-year-old husband, Barrister Godwin Ikoiwak. According to information gathered, Ikoiwak, who was a native of Eket Local Government Area, had reportedly died a few days after the deceased told his friend and former classmate, Barrister Sunny Anyanwu in a phone conversation that he was having issues with his wife over infidelity. Narrating how the deceased died before an Uyo High Court, Anyanwu said that the deceased hinted him that he reported the matter to his wife’s family who invited him to a meeting in their family compound in Nung Udoe Itak, Ikono Local Government Area, but did not return home alive. Anyanwu who is the 7th prosecution witness in the matter, also said that the late Barrister told him that his wife was having s3xual relationship with her former boss, a legal practitioner, Barrister, C.I. Odoh. He said the decease...