Toke Makinwa Nollywood actress and media personality, Toke Makinwa, has revealed how crushed she was after discovering her estranged husband, Maje Ayida, impregnated his ex-girlfriend. According to the actress, she learnt about it when the pregnancy was nine months. The thespian stated this on the latest episode of her YouTube vlog series, Toke Moments. Recall that Makinwa separated from her husband, Ayida, in 2015, but the marriage will officially get dissolved in court in 2017. She confessed to finding solace in her job after being emotionally devastated by her husband’s infidelity. Makinwa said, “I think that [my job] was the only thing that I was sure of in my life. Every other thing that was familiar has failed. The world that I had built had crumbled. And the only thing that I was sure of, was my job. “I remember walking into the [radio] studio, and like 7am the World News goes on. And there is a call from the owner of the radio station, and he is like, ‘everyone is ta...