One of the bullets reportedly fired by policemen attached to the Ijora Badia Police Division, Lagos State, has killed a 16-year-old pupil at Randle Secondary School, Apapa, Emmanuel Chukwu. The Senior Secondary School 2 pupil was said to be in front of his parents’ residence on Fadaini Street, Ijora Badia, watching some protesters when he was hit by the bullet. WEXERES gathered that some youths of the area had stormed the station around 8am on Sunday to protest against the rescue of a suspected female kidnapper by policemen. The operatives were said to have resorted to shooting to repel the rampaging youths during which the Ebonyi State indigene was killed. Our correspondent gathered that some residents had apprehended a woman for allegedly kidnapping a five-year-old girl in the community and attempted to lynch her. The suspect was rescued by the policemen and taken to the station. Angered by the police’s action, the youths mobilised to the station and dem...