Drama ensued in Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa on Christmas eve after a frightened cow managed to escape from its butchers, rammed into a former youth president of Obogoro Community who just wedded his fiance, Sobokime Igodo, and killed him in the process.
According to the current Youth President of the community, Goodleaf Zimofu, the entire episode began when the youths of the community bought the cow with money they had contributed with the intention to have it butchered and shared among them for the Christmas celebration.
It was gathered that the Christmas cow which was bought at the popular Bayelsa Palm livestock market was said to have a break from its amateur butchers and charged at everybody in its way but unfortunately Igodo was caught unawares as he was receiving a phone call at the time of the incident.
Explaining further, Zimofu said that when the cow rammed into the deceased, the impact reportedly affected his spinal cord, as he was paralysed immediately and rushed to the Federal Medical Center (FMC) but died on the way to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) where he was later referred to.
Zimofu said “we were, at the deceased’s residence where the sharing was to take place, the two butchers hired to kill the cow were unable to make the animal stand and they kept attempting to find a way to kill it.
“Igodo, who was inside the house had come out but was receiving a phone call and was not paying attention to the drama between the two butchers and the cow.
“All of a sudden, the cow got up and charged towards the deceased, kicked him so hard that he landed on his back and broke his spine.
“He was said to have been rushed to the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Yenagoa before he was referred to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH). He later died on the way.”
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